How Do I Know Which CBD or Nicotine Brand I Can Trust?

How Do I Know Which CBD or Nicotine Brand I Can Trust?

You should never be afraid to try new things, and finding your new favourite product is a gratifying experience, but you'll want to ensure your CBD or nicotine pouch provider is looking out for you and your health.


There are also a wide range of brands and products now available over the internet, some with great looking websites but with concerning concentrations of nicotine which could be adverse to your health. With this in mind, we've assembled a long-list of the various items that you can expect from a reputable nicotine or CBD pouch provider. And when in doubt, we recommend asking about. 

Clear explanation of concentrations & strengths
Both the percentage and the total nicotine content should always be clearly stated on the can or bottle. The strength is essential as it demonstrates the company has quality procedures to ensure consistency across their products. It also helps to compare prices across various products as you can then work out the cost per milligram.

Safety & Quality management
There are so many aspects that can go wrong with any product if there aren't rigorous safety and quality methods. From contaminating ingredients to poorly made pouches, you'll want a company that looks after its customers. Find out more about V&YOU's policies here. 

Customer support
Top-notch companies always offer a high level of support from the moment you inquire about a product until the product is received and used. Additionally, they offer support to ensure you always know what you're getting (here's looking at you!)

Ingredient list
A nicotine pouch is made of more than just a pouch and nicotine. You'll want to make sure the product lists every ingredient. Learn more about the contents of our nicotine pouches here. 

Tried & tested
When you have found a product that meets your criteria, look for genuine user reviews. Every pouch should be tested for consistency, quality, safety and enjoyment before release. But you shouldn't just take just the company's word for it. Go and read what others say.

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