Can You Mix CBD with Tea and Coffee?

While blending cannabis with tea or coffee might appear as another fad, there are genuine reasons why people are combining their favourite caffeinated drinks with CBD oil. One of these, a recent study published in The Journal of Internal Medicine, found that coffee and cannabis can activate some of the same pathways in the brain.


What are the effects of mixing CBD with tea and coffee?

As CBD research is still exploring the effects, there is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence as to the impact of CBD with caffeinated drinks.

Anecdotally, the combination is said to take the nervous edge off a caffeine high while amplifying alertness. It is also suggested that the addition of CBD can mellow out the harsh effects that may occur with overconsumption of coffee and tea. Overall, the mixture can provide a boost of energy, without any of the negatives that are often associated with daily caffeine use.


Mixing CBD Oil To Tea or Coffee

To combine CBD to your tea or coffee, add a few drops to your pre-made hot drink - it doesn't matter if you're using a french press, tea bag or you have a £30k coffee machine. The number of drops to use will depend on the strength of your CBD oil and your own personal tastes, but we recommend between 5-15mg per cup. You'll find you have a layer of oil on top of your drink that you'll need to stir in.

How Much CBD Should I Put In My Tea or Coffee?

Before you don your barista apron, you'll likely want to know how much to take. Although many experts agree on a typical dosage, they also suggest there is no "one size fits all" answer. Every human body is distinct and reacts to the chemical differently (what effects CBD absorption? Find out here).

The best method is to begin small and increase with incremental doses until an ideal quantity begins to work for you. With this in mind, remember this is our anecdotal evidence - everyone is unique.

Less than 5 mg

We didn't notice any effect, and at two cups of coffee, there were still that jittery, nervous feeling.

5-7.5 mg

Our preferred dose for a standard weekday morning. This is because CBD in small dosages has been found to have a boosting effect while getting rid of those jitters.

10-15 mg

Our preferred dose for a relaxing hot brew for a lazy weekend.

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