Seven questions to ask before buying CBD

With the influx of new CBD products onto the UK and European markets, it can be tough to know not only what's safe but what's the best product for you and your routine. So, how do you choose the right product? We've looked at some essential criteria to consider. 


Why take CBD? 

Before getting started, it's a good idea to do a little research, having a clear picture of what you want to take it for and what you want the results to be. There's a glut of info across the internet about CBD and its many benefits, so make sure it's from a reputable source. 

We believe CBD is a better way to deal with daily life, but it shouldn't focus on solving specific medical conditions - there's simply not enough research. By doing this at the start of your CBD journey, you'll have something to judge it against once you've taken it for a short while.


What is the source of hemp? 

Similar to food, the ingredients' origins have a defining role in the end product's quality. As a living plant, hemp absorbs the materials found around it, whether from the air, water, or soil. This means it can soak up nasty elements like pesticides and heavy metals. 

Reliable manufacturers will provide you with a detailed breakdown of where the hemp is grown, alongside their manufacturing processes. Countries with strict environmental and working standards are better choices - both from an ethical and a health perspective. 


What other ingredients are there? 

The majority of CBD oils have additional ingredients like natural or artificial flavoring or colouring, which aren't typically considered harmful. However, some CBD oils contain ingredients like propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (found in some CBD vape oils), which are potentially dangerous. It's always worth checking the label and highlighting anything you're unsure about. 


How was the oil extracted? 

Do you know how the CBD compound was derived from the plant? This process significantly determines the purity of the product. For example, the carbon dioxide extraction process is much more effective than other methods for achieving both purity and potency. 


What are the THC levels?

THC is one of the numerous cannabinoids that constitute the cannabis plant; it's also the compound that causes the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Although many CBD oil products contain a THC level of less than 0.3% (which is the standard set by law), it is always good to be on the safe side. Any level higher than this will make you fail a drug test.


What concentration do I need? 

CBD oil products are available in a range of concentrations - from 250mg to 1000mg, but a higher amount isn't always better. The amount that's right for you can depend on many factors, including:

  • Bodyweight 
  • Body chemistry
  • Reason for taking CBD

We recommend beginning with a smaller dosage and gradually increasing it. For many, this involves starting with 20 or 30 mg a day and after a week, raising this by 5 mg. Continue this until you feel that it's working for you. 


Liquid or Pouch?

While this sounds like a waiter's question in a sci-fi film, CBD oil comes in several forms. The first is the liquid form of CBD oil, which is left to settle under the tongue (the term is sublingual) and then swallowed directly. The alternative is a pouch that you tuck into your lip and cheek as the oils are absorbed (this is called the buccal method). Either choice will have the same effect, it's mainly down to your lifestyle and what suits your daily routine better. 


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